Sunday, May 15, 2011

Reality TV and Animation- Is There Still Room for Actors?

Reality TV began as what was thought of to be a fad.  However, due to their obsessive fans (how many of you have gotten sucked into all day marathons of Project Runway or The Jersey Shore?), more and more reality shows are getting pitched and picked up, leaving less and less slots available for “old-fashioned” shows- ones that require paid actors.  And because networks are able to save on salaries, at least until the no-names who earned their 15 minutes become recognizable and can demand higher payouts, it’s enticing to them to not have to employ actors and writers to produce a series.

Actors are not only competing for air time with reality shows, but they are competing with cartoon characters as well.  According to The Hollywood Reporter, Fox plans on airing at least two additional animated series this upcoming year (Allen Gregory and Napoleon Dynamite), and may try to compete with Saturday Night Live by filling their late night Saturdays with animation.

Luckily, with the advent of digital cable, more channels equal more possibilities.  More shows mean more opportunities, which should lead to more work for actors and writers.  And if these cable channels can’t help keep the unemployed from being just that, maybe Netflix can.  According to TODAY, The Associated Press reported that with Netflix’s growing clout in Hollywod, it plans to distribute its own series, The House of Cards, which will be the first of its kind.  Instead of airing on a particular network at a set time, Netflix will release the shows via its online streaming or DVD delivery service, since the company owns the rights and can air it as it pleases.  With names attached such as actor Kevin Spacey and director David Fincher (nominated for best-director Oscar for The Social Network), The House of Cards could be a big hit and a big money maker for Netflix, which will only open up the doors for additional shows to be created and released in the same manner.

So, I guess for now we can all still indulge in our guilty pleasures and watch reality shows and cartoons and not feel guilty that the talented actors out there will continue to have less and less work.  With new distribution methods and loyal viewers, hopefully there will be room for all.  There might not be enough time in the day to watch everything worth watching, but there is always Tivo.

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